
Apple chips and other apple goodness

My apple tree is poppin’ right now so I have apple chips, baked apples, and applesauce on the go. Mmm. The house smells delicious while they cook, and its beautiful how the family slowly start coming towards the kitchen and gathering in anticipation as the sweet smell makes its way through the house. The ingredients are all simple stand bys and they are easy peasy to make.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lay parchment paper on cookie sheet, I made them once without the parchment paper and they stuck and were hard to get off. I used my mandolin to slice the apples very thinly, I have a small handheld one so I couldn’t get full chips. Lay them out in a single layer and sprinkle them with cinnamon. Adding a little sprinkle of brown sugar makes them taste like apple pie!


Bake for approximately 25 minutes or until they begin to curl. I prefer mine before they completely dry out and get crispy but you can experiment with your oven and tastes. I have no final pictures for you because after smelling these cook no one in your house can leave them alone the second they come out of the oven. They are delicious.

This summer I’ve started making the kids crepes, my pancakes always fail but my crepes are pretty awesome! I use a basic recipe found anywhere but then I’ve been adding deliciousness to them. The favourite right now is cubed apples on the stove on medium with a sprinkle of cinnamon. I cook them about 8 minutes or until the are soft then add 1/4 cup of real maple syrup to about 4 apples. Let it all warm up then put them inside and on top of the crepes for a delicious treat. I also add a tiny sprinkle of powdered sugar. They don’t look perfect, I’m not winning cooking awards, but I’m using up apples and my family is happy and fed.

For a bedtime snack I’ve been doing the same thing with less apples and only the cinnamon to keep the sugar down. The are warm and soft and a perfect little nighttime snack.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my apple post, I would love to hear how you use your harvest of apples!