Activities with the Smalls


So much going on lately and yet so little. I always feel in transition and lately in feeling old. It’s weird and some days I’m super ok with it. Not today so much. I suffer from the same feeling that many women do, time is passing so quickly and I’m falling behind. Being a stay at home mom and homeschool mom has been my identity for years. A place I never considered when I was younger and now as I grow older and my kids are both in schools I’m a little lost. I look in the mirror and I’m not that fresh young woman I once was. I’m a strong woman, a good person, I know these things but today I feel less than. I feel old and not in a wise way but in a “how am I not more” kinda way. Where did the time go? How are my babies not babies anymore. Where did all this fat come from? Loving my body has been a hard thing since having my first child 14 years ago. It’s time to just say goodbye to that young woman who was thin as a rail and could eat anything. It’s time to grow up. It’s time to take care of my body. My knees ache, my skin sags, my eyes feel papery. Weird. Instead of hating on my weight I know all change comes from within me but getting started on that change is hard. I’m the kinda person that needs immediate results and weight loss is too slow for me and I give up. I can’t do much about aging and I’ve always been ok with that aspect but I can do something about making my body feel more comfortable as it ages. I can control if I live the next part of my life feeling sore and old or if I go into it with vigor and grace.Alright pity party over. Let’s talk plant based diet. My family has started eating more plant based meals, we aren’t making a full transition but even my 13 year old is seeing the difference in how he feels after eating plant based vs having meat and dairy. Right now we are living lentil curries. I had always done chick pea curries so lentils are a nice switch and really change the flavour and texture of the curry. I like rice but the rest of the family doesn’t so it’s been homemade naan bread or just straight curry. Mmmm. We’ve also been getting produce boxes every couple weeks and it’s made groceries easier.Thanks for stopping by. No promises I’ll keep blogging but I have all the ideas and sometimes sitting and getting them out feels good.

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